
Couple hugging on sidewalk

7 Strategies When Your Spouse Emotionally Checks Out


Emotional disconnect in a marriage can be a distressing and challenging situation to navigate when you're trying to save your marriage. When your spouse checks out emotionally, it can lead to feelings of loneliness, frustration, and confusion. However, it's essential to remember that this doesn't …

8 Steps to Surviving a Marriage Separation


Marriage problems can escalate to the point where both spouses think they need physical and emotional space to prevent permanent, irreparable damage to the relationship. While a few hours or a weekend visiting a friend might help clear your head, a marriage separation does not prevent a divorce. In …

Sex and Marriage: 3 Questions to Ask Yourself


Marriage problems often arise from sexual issues between a husband and wife. Even in most good relationships, couples deal with sex-related marriage issues from time to time. Unfortunately, most of us find these issues difficult to admit and talk about. Instead, we tend to deny or hide them until …

How to Save Your Marriage, One Step at a Time


If you are contemplating filing for divorce or drawing up separation agreements, you probably feel that you have no other choices.  We all know that experiencing conflict in marriage is part and parcel of being married.  It is only normal that you and your spouse have differing ideas and points of …

Where to Turn for Marriage Help when Facing an Imminent Divorce


When your relationship has deteriorated to the point that you and your spouse are no longer communicating at a healthy level, it may seem inevitable that filing for divorce is your only option left. Rather than give in and drown your marriage in separation agreements and legal battles, take a deep …

Gaining Trust After Infidelity


Infidelity in your marriage can be absolutely devastating. With trust being one of the most crucial components of any relationship, when it is compromised, it is only human nature to believe that you can never regain that trust again. You can start thinking, if my spouse cheated once, what’s to say …

How to Address a Cheating Spouse and Still Keep Your Marriage


Our culture has been inundated with tales of infidelity and cheating.  For example, there is a television show called  Cheaters dedicated to catching your spouse in the act of cheating.  On the TV show, those who suspect their cheating husband or cheating wife can have them followed by private …

Surviving Marital Infidelity


So you suspect that you have a cheating spouse. Now what? How do you approach a suspected cheating wife or cheating husband without causing further damage?  Infidelity marriage crisis issues can be the hardest object to tackle you’ll ever face in your marriage. However, establishing open …

Coping with Infidelity in an Organized and Healthy Manner


After a marital affair, it’s not likely you are completely aware of your emotions or how to control or transcend unhealthy reactions. However, all is not lost. Understand that an important goal is not making things worse. Coping with infidelity requires a dedicated and cautious effort to succeed. …

Is Your Marriage in Conflict? Resolve it with Marriage Help


Are you seeking marriage help but not sure where to turn? While there are countless self-help tips and guides available from all kinds of experts, there are times in a relationship when the issues become too numerous or overwhelming to battle on your own. Solving  conflict in marriage can be a …

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